Introduction to Conflict Avoidance & Resolution (CAR)
This course is an introduction to understanding conflict avoidance and resolution (CAR). This course is designed for candidates who are seeking to gain certified APD (Associate Prime Dispute) membership designation. The Introduction to CAR describes the strategies behind conflict avoidance and resolution processes, how to manage conflicts, and how careful strategic planning supports and maintains long term sustainable relationships. Membership The course is also relevant to those candidates seeking to gain certified APD (Associate Prime Dispute) membership designation and/or become a party representative. Course Structure: Day 1: 09:30-18:30 GMT - Online The objectives of the course are as follows:
Who should attend this Course:
Assessment: This module is not assessed in a formal manner but does require candidates to undertake a degree of preparation before attending and 100% attendance is required. Entry Requirements: There are no specific entry requirements. This course is a foundation level and is a precursor to 'Module 2: Diploma in Conflict Avoidance & Resolution' It can be used for candidates who require a basic understanding of CAR in their roles within industry and/or candidates who wish to join Prime Dispute as an APD (Associate Prime Dispute) member. Course Educators: TBC |
Diploma in Conflict Avoidance & Resolution (CAR)
This Diploma in CAR is for candidates who are seeking to become an expert in conflict avoidance and resolution or represent parties in the strategic decisions in managing and dealing with strategic decision in avoiding conflicts. This course is relevant to individuals from all Industry sectors who require training in strategic conflict avoidance and resolution or individuals who do not have a background in law but have an interest in conflict avoidance and resolution, for example, accountants, engineers, surveyors and others who are within a primary, secondary or third sector, may also be interested in this module. Membership Candidates who complete and pass this module will gain our MPD (Member Prime Dispute) membership designation. In certain cases the Educator/Prime Dispute may agree that the candidate who completes and passes this course should receive an FPD (Fellow Prime Dispute) membership designation. Course Structure: 5 days 09:30-18.00 GMT - Online The objectives of the course are as follows:
Who should attend this Course:
Assessment: Candidates will be assessed after the module has been completed and this will be based upon one assessment based on either a pass or fail. If candidates fail feedback will be prepared by the Educator. Any Candidates who do fail the assessment will only be required to re-sit the assessment or similar as requested by Prime Dispute. Candidates will be informed by Prime Dispute of the results. Candidates are also required to prepare prior to attendance and 100% attendance is required. In certain circumstances Prime Dispute may provide the option for candidates to opt for the dissertation option, in which the candidate will produce a dissertation of 12,000-words on a topic of their own choosing but in the sphere of conflict avoidance and resolution. Entry Requirements:
Course Educators: TBC |
Conflict Avoidance & Resolution (CAR) Panels (Optional)
This Module is aimed and available to candidates after they have successfully completed 'Module 2 -Diploma in Conflict Avoidance & Resolution (CAR)' or have been invited to join 'Prime Dispute's Specialist Panel'. This course is for candidates who are seeking to gain FPD (Fellow Prime Dispute) membership designation. Conflicts exist because of serious disagreement or argument, and sometime litigation and dispute resolution mechanisms may not be suitable. The CAR 'Specialist Panel’ has the specialist knowledge and experience to identify avoidance and resolution strategies that can help all the parties in dispute move forward without recourse to formal litigation. The CAR 'Specialist Panel' will consist of a panel member who will advise Industry on the appropriate strategy to resolve the conflict and/or avoid further conflicts. The CAR 'Specialist Panel' will have an understanding of the specific industry sector and therefore able to provide an objective and strategic plan of how to avoid/resolve the conflict with agreed timelines. Membership This course is for candidates who are seeking to gain FPD (Fellow Prime Dispute) membership designation. All candidates who are seeking to join Prime Dispute CAR 'Specialist Panel' and support Industry in strategic conflict avoidance and resolution matters, must meet all requirement as stipulated in the 'Criteria for inclusion on Prime Dispute'S Panels'. All candidates who are seeking to join as an Educator for Prime Dispute must meet the 'Terms and Conditions' for Educators'. Course Structure: DAY 1 : 09:30-18:30 GMT - Online The objectives of the course are as follows:
Who should attend this Course:
Assessment: Write a brief action plan about how you wish to take CAR forward in your career. This action plan will support Candidates to place their vision into action. Candidates are also required to prepare prior to attendance and 100% attendance is required. Entry Requirements: Successfully completed 'Module 2 - Diploma in Conflict Avoidance & Resolution (CAR)' (or similar), or have received a personal invitation from Prime Dispute to attend. Course Educators: TBC |
About Prime Dispute
Prime Dispute / Is a global membership organisation for qualifications and standards in law, dispute avoidance, management & resolution Our purpose / Helping industry create a more prosperous and conflict free working world. Our Vision & Mission |
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