What are DBs, DRBs and DABS ?
"Dispute Boards (DBs) or Dispute Review Board (DRB) or Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB) are typically comprising three independent and impartial persons selected by the parties to deal with a issues during the project". DBs, DRB & DAB v ADR The main difference between Dispute Review Boards and other Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) techniques is that the Dispute Review Board is appointed at the commencement of a project; before any disputes arise and, by undertaking regular visits to the site, is actively involved throughout the project (and possibly any agreed period thereafter) this is potentially the reason they have become more and more successful in recent years. A Dispute Board becomes a part of the project administration and thereby can actively influence, during the contract period. The concept behind a standing Dispute Board is that it may be called upon early in the resolution of any dispute which cannot be resolved by the parties and be asked to publish decisions or recommendations on how the matters in issue should be settled. It is usual that an opportunity remains for the matter to be referred to arbitration or to the courts if the Dispute Review Board's decision does not find acceptance by the parties. What a Dispute Review Board does that the UK’s statutory adjudication does not do is to provide a regular and continuing forum for discussion of difficult or contentious matters and to create valuable opportunities for the parties to avoid disputes by keeping active communication. Another aspect, which is less often discussed, is that by establishing a Dispute Board from the start of the project the Dispute Board members become part of the project team and develop a "hands on" approach. They become trusted to be fair and impartial and their advise respected and taken more readily than would a third party or stranger to the project. While the origins of Dispute Review Boards are found in the construction industry, their foundation is far wider than construction and Dispute Review Boards are are now found in the financial services industry, maritime, operational and maintenance contracts. The scope for Dispute Review Boards is substantial and will set to grow with the development of Prime Dispute. Our panels consist of Dispute Board members who can assist. Please contact us for further information. |
dispute boards
About Prime Dispute
Prime Dispute / Is a global membership organisation for qualifications and standards in law, dispute avoidance, management & resolution Our purpose / Helping industry create a more prosperous and conflict free working world. Our Vision & Mission |
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