As a membership organisation our entrepreneurs are very important to us. As an APD (Advocate Prime Dispute) member, we will support you and shape the future direction of Prime Dispute around your industry sector and provide; entrepreneurial research, support and good practice of how to protect your business. Not only that, but we offer a great benefits package too. Here are just some of the benefits of joining us as a member:
"Having the ‘APD - Advocate Prime Dispute’ letters after your name links you to a global brand, driving innovation for industry and supporting the notion that disputes can be resolved out of Court by protecting you and your business." Prime Dispute membership is your key to professional opportunities throughout the world. You will be connected with other like minded individuals who seek to protect their businesses from disputes. You will be able to show industry, clients and the world that you have the knowledge to avoid potential disputes and understand the rational of how to effectively deal with a potential dispute should it arise without the use of litigation. Your 'APD' member level designation* will provide you with a range of benefits to support you in life or your career, giving you a competitive advantage and giving you the reassurance should a dispute arise you have someone to support you. If you are interested in becoming an 'APD' member, please email us or complete the form on this page. *APD is the basic member designation and indicates you have an interest in the field of dispute avoidance/resolution. Industry will be able to identify you via your designation and will be able to see that you are keen to support our global mission to promote dispute avoidance/resolution. 'APD' member level is free to join. |
supporting you throughout your entrepreneurial journey.
About Prime Dispute
Prime Dispute / Is a global membership organisation for qualifications and standards in law, dispute avoidance, management & resolution Our purpose / Helping industry create a more prosperous and conflict free working world. Our Vision & Mission |
Please email all correspondence to [email protected]
71-75, Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ, United Kingdom