1. Introduction
1.1 Prime Dispute is committed to providing online training, development and events. The key aims and objectives in delivering these services are as follows:
(a) To provide candidates with access to Prime Dispute programs using various methods including distance education;
(b) To provide our Candidates and Certified Educators with a clear transparent policy regarding receiving and delivering training, development and events via the use of technology;
(c) To use technology to improve Candidates learning, share Certified Educators knowledge and make our Academy services available 24/7;
(d) To provide training, development and events to a diverse worldwide population;
(e) To provide training, development and event programs that meet the specific requirements of business, industry, education, and government departments relating to law, dispute avoidance, resolution and management;
(f) To maximise the use of technology to enable Candidates to attain their educational goals.
2. Policies & Support
2.1 Please note this Policy should be read in conjunction with all Prime Dispute 'Terms & Conditions', 'User Agreement', 'Business Ethics & Conflict of Interests Policy' or similar.
2.2 Communication between Prime Dispute Executives, Candidates and Certified Educators is vital for the success of our online training, development or events. Please note this Policy should be read in conjunction with all Prime Dispute policies and guidelines relating to training, development or events, before any course is undertaken or delivered. Both Candidates and Certified Educators should also refer to specific course material, guidance, policies or similar for further clarification.
2.3 Prime Dispute believes all Candidates shall receive equal opportunities for all training, development and events, supported by our Certified Educators. Please refer to Prime Dispute 'Equal Opportunities & Diversity Policy' if you require further information.
2.4 Whilst it is ultimately the responsibility of the Candidates to select and follow a training, development or event program, Prime Dispute provides names of Certified Educators who are equipped to advise Candidates regarding career path and training, development or event selection.
3. Procedures
3.1 Online Candidates are held to the same admission standards as traditional face to face Candidates and must follow the same process for enrollment.
Candidates may apply for admission, register for training, development & events, and pay fees via the secure online payment gateway (via 'Members Area').
3.2 Registration is not complete until Prime Dispute Executives have verified the Candidates request, application or similar and the Candidate has received confirmation. If the Candidate is unsure about their application for training, development or events, please email [email protected]
3.3 Normal participation requirements apply. Candidates and Certified Educators need to log-in on time (unless agreed in advance because of time zone differences) and any absence should be reported to Prime Dispute Executives in a timely manner. If there are other personal circumstances making it difficult for a Candidate or Certified Educator to engage with the training, development or events generally (including IT/network issues) or engage at a particular time it is imperative that you let Prime Dispute know as soon as possible.
3.4 All Candidates and Certified Educators should be appropriately dressed as you would if the training, development or event was in person.
3.5 The password information to log Candidates into the exam papers (or similar) must be protected by the Candidates. In order to maintain security of exams (papers, questions, etc).
3.6 In larger training, development or event groups you should mute your microphone unless it is your turn to speak and Candidates should keep in mind that the Certified Educator is in full control.
3.7 Looking intently at a screen for too long is not conducive to good eyesight, good mental health, or your physical health. We suggest our Certified Educators and Candidates take scheduled breaks and use this time to walk away from the screen.
4. Technology
4.1 All Candidates and Certified Educators planning to undertake or deliver Prime Dispute online training, development or events should have access to secure technology. Prime Dispute is not responsible for technical problems that Candidates or Certified Educators may have or encounter with their technology (computer, wifi, security, etc).
5. Certified Educators Responsibility
5.1 In the event of a Candidate not adhering to Prime Dispute standards he Certified Educator has the responsibility to ensure the following:
(a) That the Certified Educator has documented the matter fully;
(b) That the Certified Educator reports all incidents of dishonesty to Prime Dispute Executives in writing. The report will include the date, time and place, name(s) of the Candidate involved, a summary of the infraction, and the action taken by the Certified Educator;
(c) Any appeals will follow Prime Dispute 'Appeal Policy for Training, Development and Events'. Candidates should be aware this may include failure of the assignment/exam or failure of the classes;
(d) Certified Educators must make certain to clearly state the matter to Candidates and/or Prime Dispute Executive to avoid any issues or complaints made against them;
(e) This policy should be read in conjunction with "Policy to support Educators in delivering Training, Development & Events".
5.2 Certified Educators are prohibited from sharing password information with Candidates. It is recommended that Certified Educators change their access to exam passwords regularly.
6. External Links
6.1 Prime Dispute in collaboration with the Certified Educator ensures that Candidates participating in online classes have access to adequate and appropriate learning resources. Prime Dispute and our Certified Educators may provide links to newspapers, news magazines, books, and government sites when they have additional resources but the Candidate must ensure the links are safe before they click or download any information.
7. Extenuating Circumstances
7.1 Extenuating circumstances do occur, such as an extreme illness, death in the family, legal matters, or state duty e.g. Jury Service. It is the Candidates responsibility to provide appropriate documentation to substantiate such circumstances, at which time Prime Dispute Executive and/or the Certified Educator will determine if any extension is warranted. Candidates and Certified Educators of online training, development and events will adhere to Prime Dispute calendar for delivery and the process of appeal. It is important to note circumstances not considered extenuating:
(a) registering late for the training, development or event;
(b) failure to read the syllabus;
(c) failure to plan appropriately;
(d) not having the appropriate textbook, software or similar;
(e) technical problems.
8. Cancellations
8.1 Withdrawing, cancelling or similar from a training, development or events will incur certain fees. To ensure both Candidates and Certified Educators do not encounter any difficulties it is important Candidates & Certified Educators update Prime Dispute Executives immediately and refer directly to our "Payment Terms - Training, Development & (for Candidates) & "Terms and Conditions for Educators".
9. Appeals
9.1 It is to the Candidates advantage to keep communication open with Prime Dispute and Certified Educators, thus avoiding the necessity for appeals. Any distance learning Candidate wishing to make a formal complaint regarding Prime Dispute online training, development, event program or the Certified Educator must follow the steps within Prime Dispute 'Appeal Policy for Training, Development and Events'.
10. Data
10.1 As well as being a Fellow (or as appropriate) of Prime Dispute all Certified Educators have been approved to provide online training. For transparency purposes we provide our FPD (Fellow Prime Dispute) Certified Educators with an online 'FPD Digital Profile' which specifies their skills, experience and knowledge.
10.2 Prime Dispute will collect data about our Candidates and Certified Educators, including video recordings and photography, for matters which include amongst other things:
(a) Assessment and progression;
(b) Core teaching and learning and academic conduct;
(c) Awards and graduation;
(d) Review how our Certified Educators delivered the training, development or events.
10.3 We will use your personal data to meet our contractual obligations to Candidates (e.g; to manage the candidates experience and welfare whilst undertaking our training, development or events) and to perform tasks we carry out in our members interest (e.g; teaching and research). Therefore, please assume all live on-line training, development or events will be recorded. Please contact Prime Dispute in writing if you wish to opt out or do not proceed with our online services.
10.4 Any material devised for the purposes of on-line delivery will be the property of the Certified Educator/Prime Dispute or both. Under no circumstances may candidates share this material outside of Prime Dispute without the written permission of the intellectual property/copyright holder. Similarly, if the candidate has been given a password to access material this password may not be shared.
10.5 Recording of live training, development or events activity, including activity with Candidates input, may be undertaken for teaching purposes (for instance so that those Candidates in a different time-zone may benefit from the class at a later time) or for assessment purposes, and will become the property of the Prime Dispute. However, again, under no circumstances may this material be shared outside of Prime Dispute without the written permission of Prime Dispute.
10.6 Where work is being produced collaboratively for performance, online or otherwise, our Certified Educators may be asked to sign an agreement about joint ownership of the training, development or event. Please note that no work should be shared outside Prime Dispute without the agreement of all the parties unless it has already been agreed that the final output should be placed in the public domain in a particular format.
10.7 Candidates and Certified Educators need to be mindful that as well as copyright/intellectual property issues there are privacy issues; sharing recorded material without permission may also breach Prime Dispute privacy. Any breaches of copyright, intellectual property or privacy will be considered a serious breach of Prime Dispute 'Professional Conduct Policy for Members' or similar.
Last update: 17 August 2020
1.1 Prime Dispute is committed to providing online training, development and events. The key aims and objectives in delivering these services are as follows:
(a) To provide candidates with access to Prime Dispute programs using various methods including distance education;
(b) To provide our Candidates and Certified Educators with a clear transparent policy regarding receiving and delivering training, development and events via the use of technology;
(c) To use technology to improve Candidates learning, share Certified Educators knowledge and make our Academy services available 24/7;
(d) To provide training, development and events to a diverse worldwide population;
(e) To provide training, development and event programs that meet the specific requirements of business, industry, education, and government departments relating to law, dispute avoidance, resolution and management;
(f) To maximise the use of technology to enable Candidates to attain their educational goals.
2. Policies & Support
2.1 Please note this Policy should be read in conjunction with all Prime Dispute 'Terms & Conditions', 'User Agreement', 'Business Ethics & Conflict of Interests Policy' or similar.
2.2 Communication between Prime Dispute Executives, Candidates and Certified Educators is vital for the success of our online training, development or events. Please note this Policy should be read in conjunction with all Prime Dispute policies and guidelines relating to training, development or events, before any course is undertaken or delivered. Both Candidates and Certified Educators should also refer to specific course material, guidance, policies or similar for further clarification.
2.3 Prime Dispute believes all Candidates shall receive equal opportunities for all training, development and events, supported by our Certified Educators. Please refer to Prime Dispute 'Equal Opportunities & Diversity Policy' if you require further information.
2.4 Whilst it is ultimately the responsibility of the Candidates to select and follow a training, development or event program, Prime Dispute provides names of Certified Educators who are equipped to advise Candidates regarding career path and training, development or event selection.
3. Procedures
3.1 Online Candidates are held to the same admission standards as traditional face to face Candidates and must follow the same process for enrollment.
Candidates may apply for admission, register for training, development & events, and pay fees via the secure online payment gateway (via 'Members Area').
3.2 Registration is not complete until Prime Dispute Executives have verified the Candidates request, application or similar and the Candidate has received confirmation. If the Candidate is unsure about their application for training, development or events, please email [email protected]
3.3 Normal participation requirements apply. Candidates and Certified Educators need to log-in on time (unless agreed in advance because of time zone differences) and any absence should be reported to Prime Dispute Executives in a timely manner. If there are other personal circumstances making it difficult for a Candidate or Certified Educator to engage with the training, development or events generally (including IT/network issues) or engage at a particular time it is imperative that you let Prime Dispute know as soon as possible.
3.4 All Candidates and Certified Educators should be appropriately dressed as you would if the training, development or event was in person.
3.5 The password information to log Candidates into the exam papers (or similar) must be protected by the Candidates. In order to maintain security of exams (papers, questions, etc).
3.6 In larger training, development or event groups you should mute your microphone unless it is your turn to speak and Candidates should keep in mind that the Certified Educator is in full control.
3.7 Looking intently at a screen for too long is not conducive to good eyesight, good mental health, or your physical health. We suggest our Certified Educators and Candidates take scheduled breaks and use this time to walk away from the screen.
4. Technology
4.1 All Candidates and Certified Educators planning to undertake or deliver Prime Dispute online training, development or events should have access to secure technology. Prime Dispute is not responsible for technical problems that Candidates or Certified Educators may have or encounter with their technology (computer, wifi, security, etc).
5. Certified Educators Responsibility
5.1 In the event of a Candidate not adhering to Prime Dispute standards he Certified Educator has the responsibility to ensure the following:
(a) That the Certified Educator has documented the matter fully;
(b) That the Certified Educator reports all incidents of dishonesty to Prime Dispute Executives in writing. The report will include the date, time and place, name(s) of the Candidate involved, a summary of the infraction, and the action taken by the Certified Educator;
(c) Any appeals will follow Prime Dispute 'Appeal Policy for Training, Development and Events'. Candidates should be aware this may include failure of the assignment/exam or failure of the classes;
(d) Certified Educators must make certain to clearly state the matter to Candidates and/or Prime Dispute Executive to avoid any issues or complaints made against them;
(e) This policy should be read in conjunction with "Policy to support Educators in delivering Training, Development & Events".
5.2 Certified Educators are prohibited from sharing password information with Candidates. It is recommended that Certified Educators change their access to exam passwords regularly.
6. External Links
6.1 Prime Dispute in collaboration with the Certified Educator ensures that Candidates participating in online classes have access to adequate and appropriate learning resources. Prime Dispute and our Certified Educators may provide links to newspapers, news magazines, books, and government sites when they have additional resources but the Candidate must ensure the links are safe before they click or download any information.
7. Extenuating Circumstances
7.1 Extenuating circumstances do occur, such as an extreme illness, death in the family, legal matters, or state duty e.g. Jury Service. It is the Candidates responsibility to provide appropriate documentation to substantiate such circumstances, at which time Prime Dispute Executive and/or the Certified Educator will determine if any extension is warranted. Candidates and Certified Educators of online training, development and events will adhere to Prime Dispute calendar for delivery and the process of appeal. It is important to note circumstances not considered extenuating:
(a) registering late for the training, development or event;
(b) failure to read the syllabus;
(c) failure to plan appropriately;
(d) not having the appropriate textbook, software or similar;
(e) technical problems.
8. Cancellations
8.1 Withdrawing, cancelling or similar from a training, development or events will incur certain fees. To ensure both Candidates and Certified Educators do not encounter any difficulties it is important Candidates & Certified Educators update Prime Dispute Executives immediately and refer directly to our "Payment Terms - Training, Development & (for Candidates) & "Terms and Conditions for Educators".
9. Appeals
9.1 It is to the Candidates advantage to keep communication open with Prime Dispute and Certified Educators, thus avoiding the necessity for appeals. Any distance learning Candidate wishing to make a formal complaint regarding Prime Dispute online training, development, event program or the Certified Educator must follow the steps within Prime Dispute 'Appeal Policy for Training, Development and Events'.
10. Data
10.1 As well as being a Fellow (or as appropriate) of Prime Dispute all Certified Educators have been approved to provide online training. For transparency purposes we provide our FPD (Fellow Prime Dispute) Certified Educators with an online 'FPD Digital Profile' which specifies their skills, experience and knowledge.
10.2 Prime Dispute will collect data about our Candidates and Certified Educators, including video recordings and photography, for matters which include amongst other things:
(a) Assessment and progression;
(b) Core teaching and learning and academic conduct;
(c) Awards and graduation;
(d) Review how our Certified Educators delivered the training, development or events.
10.3 We will use your personal data to meet our contractual obligations to Candidates (e.g; to manage the candidates experience and welfare whilst undertaking our training, development or events) and to perform tasks we carry out in our members interest (e.g; teaching and research). Therefore, please assume all live on-line training, development or events will be recorded. Please contact Prime Dispute in writing if you wish to opt out or do not proceed with our online services.
10.4 Any material devised for the purposes of on-line delivery will be the property of the Certified Educator/Prime Dispute or both. Under no circumstances may candidates share this material outside of Prime Dispute without the written permission of the intellectual property/copyright holder. Similarly, if the candidate has been given a password to access material this password may not be shared.
10.5 Recording of live training, development or events activity, including activity with Candidates input, may be undertaken for teaching purposes (for instance so that those Candidates in a different time-zone may benefit from the class at a later time) or for assessment purposes, and will become the property of the Prime Dispute. However, again, under no circumstances may this material be shared outside of Prime Dispute without the written permission of Prime Dispute.
10.6 Where work is being produced collaboratively for performance, online or otherwise, our Certified Educators may be asked to sign an agreement about joint ownership of the training, development or event. Please note that no work should be shared outside Prime Dispute without the agreement of all the parties unless it has already been agreed that the final output should be placed in the public domain in a particular format.
10.7 Candidates and Certified Educators need to be mindful that as well as copyright/intellectual property issues there are privacy issues; sharing recorded material without permission may also breach Prime Dispute privacy. Any breaches of copyright, intellectual property or privacy will be considered a serious breach of Prime Dispute 'Professional Conduct Policy for Members' or similar.
Last update: 17 August 2020